8 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid (Infographic)

Whether it’s oversaturating your content or missing the point of social networks, newer marketers make many mistakes.

Sales Renewal’s insight:

Many new marketers make mistakes with social media. Some try to take on too much too soon, while others do not promote adequate content. This infographic from Digital Marketing Philippines shares the top 8 social media marketing mistakes and how to avoid them. Some takeaways from this infographic include:

  • Not having a social media marketing strategy – Failing to have a strategy can mean posting blindly, which in turn will fail to engage your audience. Having distinct goals and using a social media calendar can help you become more organized and increase your success.
  • Creating too many social accounts too soon – You should focus on only a couple of social media platforms at first, then grow when you have successfully engaged your followers. This can prevent you from abandoning your social media accounts altogether.
  • Using irrelevant hashtags – Using hashtags is important for increasing visibility, but overuse can be displeasing to your followers. Try to limit hashtags by using sensible ones that are directly related to your post.
  • Forgetting to proofread your posts – This is a big one. Nothing looks more unprofessional than typos due to a lack of proofreading. Take a moment to read over your posts before posting. This way you will gain the respect of your followers.

It is easy to make mistakes, especially when you are just starting out. But following these suggestions can help you to reduce your risk of social media meltdown and improve your online presence.

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