Sales Renewal in the Community

Sales Renewal is committed to making a positive impact in our physical and virtual communities. As a company, we are proud to support several non-profit organizations every year through donations of time and expertise. We also support our team members’ volunteer efforts in their local communities and collectively volunteer dozens of hours each year.

Growing Communities, Sharing Expertise

In 2016, Sales Renewal expanded its commitment to the community by formalizing its Growing Communities, Sharing Expertise Program by selecting 3 deserving organizations to support: Boston Kids Really Rock, for the 4th year; the Concord Chamber of Commerce; and Armenian Church of the Holy Translators. Recipients receive discounted website, email and strategic planning services, as well as a number of free consultation and hands-on training hours.

Boston Kids Really Rock

2013-2016 Growing Communities, Sharing Expertise Recipient

Boston Kids Really Rock is an annual fundraising kids’ music festival that originated in the aftermath of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings. Today, the festival is a full-day event that features nearly a dozen children’s music performers and special activities provided by local organizations. The festival features a different charity each year.

Sales Renewal has hosted  the festival website, maintained the website content, and provided social media and onsite support for this festival since its inception.

Concord Chamber of Commerce

2016 Growing Communities, Sharing Expertise Recipient

The Concord, MA Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to promoting and serving local businesses, supporting tourism, and fostering a strong economic climate, in keeping with the character and culture of the Town of Concord. Its small staff depends on the website as its primary vehicle for communications among its key constituents: local businesses, residents and tourists. The Chamber hired Sales Renewal to build its new website, and Sales Renewal donated professional design, management and editorial services to be sure the organization would have a strong website and the needed training to maintain this vital resource.

Armenian Church of the Holy Translators

2016 Growing Communities, Sharing Expertise Recipient

The Armenian Church of the Holy Translators began as an official mission parish in April 1998. As the community grew and demographics changed, so did its need for a website that the congregation could depend on as a central point of communication. The Parish had raised the funds needed to hire Sales Renewal to build a new website which would be run by volunteers. Sales Renewal donated its professional design, management and editorial services to be sure the organization would have a strong website and the needed training to maintain this vital resource.

Free Marketing Workshops and Training

Sales Renewal gives back to our business community, too, primarily by making available free educational programs – like our Marketing Essentials workshop – to local Chambers of Commerce, banks and other business organizations. If you are a local business organization interested in bringing workshops and trainings to your membership, contact us for more information.

Sales Renewal