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Three Critical Videos for Marketing Professional Services Firm

Videos have become very popular through various channels on the internet. They are shared more often than any other media on social media, generate more clicks in email newsletters and are often preferred to reading explainer text. Professional Service  firms should be taking advantage of this rise in video and have at least three main types of informative (and fun) videos to ensure visitors will be able to understand what you do, how you do it and why they should use you all through videos.

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8 Ways to Encourage Employees to Share Your Content on Social Media

Your employees are can be your best marketing asset. Are you taking advantage of them? There are several effective ways to engage your employees and encourage them to share your content and marketing messages on their social channels. You can do this via a formal program by establishing an employee advocacy program or more informally. You need to figure out what will work best in your organization. Here are some tips!

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Call to action: The how and where of CTAs

Three little letters … CTA. Those three powerful little letters not only will increase the user’s interaction with your website, but will also clue the user into knowing what to do next. There are simple CTA’s, “Shop Now”, “Buy”, but crafting a more compelling and powerful CTA leads to higher conversions. Learn how.

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How Mobile is Dominating the Customer Journey (and Why You Should Care)

Think your B2B customers aren’t using mobile? Think again! The Boston Consulting Group found that for more than 60% of B2B buyers, mobile played a considerable role in a recent purchase. B2B buyers are using mobile devices to conduct research on their needs and find other sources of information, potential vendors, and service providers. Look at your own analytics to determine the importance of mobile for your business and make sure your mobile presence is optimized.

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Exactly What You Can Do to Define What Makes Your Brand as Unique as … M&Ms

“Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands!” For any business to succeed, it needs to uncover its USP or unique selling proposition; without placing a distinct and memorable stake in the ground, it is in danger of falling into the black hole of “everyone else”. Research your competitors to see what sets you apart and create buyer personas (detailed descriptions of your ideal customer) to help you make a list of everything that makes you different. Use your unique selling proposition in everything you do to help make better connections with your customers.

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Effective Strategies and Tactics for Incorporating Photos Into Your Small Business Marketing Plan

Many important marketing tactics rely on eye-catching, arresting visuals and never has it been more important to make sure professional-quality images and videos. In this day and age when glamorous selfies, mouth-watering food photography, and breathtaking action shots (not to mention cute puppies) dominate our social media feeds, businesses need to step up their game with their own images.  A good picture has the power to grab a user’s attention and help your small business gain visibility, both on your website and social channels. Professional pictures of employees, products or even your building can resonate with prospects and make them feel more connected to you as a business.

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