The Power of Follow Ups
One of the best ways to create synergy and boost your marketing reach via your partnerships is to share content. Cross posting and guest posting on your clients’ or partners’ blogs and social media platforms increases your reach, generates additional trust and loyalty for your business, and opens doors to more interesting and relevant content.
For example, this month we’re sharing an infographic and guest post about Sales Skills from IRC that talks about the power of following up with your prospects. Check out the article, written by Nicholas Rubright, and the infographic:
The importance of following up with sales prospects is undeniable. Research shows that 80% of sales happen after the fifth interaction. Despite the fact that this approach has proven effective time and again for closing deals, only 44% of salespeople actually make more than one attempt to close a sale.
A key takeaway from this data is that consistency and perseverance are the backbones of any sales strategy. Your ROI will always seem low when you give up too soon, or never try at all!
Research indicates that 40% of your prospects will be at the beginning stages of their buying process, which means they won’t have a clear idea of what product will best suit them. That being said, you can make sales by continuing to show up while the competition has given up.
To ensure maximum success in your sales and marketing strategies, follow the tips provided by this infographic. And be sure to remember this: success in sales isn’t creating the perfect circumstances to close, it’s about being confident and prepared enough to make a sale whenever your prospect is ready.