Many of us understand that analytics are key to gaining a competitive advantage but fewer of us really understand which data is important and how to put that data to use. Whether it’s Big Data or little data, technology can help all businesses gain valuable intelligence about their customers. This article outlines 3 steps to gaining actionable insights from your data. Important aspects of making the most of your data includes providing context, looking at trends instead of individual data points, and gaining insights that are aligned with your overall strategy.
Actionable Marketing AdviceFrom Our Growth Spurts Blog We regularly update our Growth Spurts blog with actionable marketing & technology advice, news and information. These articles are often hand-picked to address issues and projects we’re working on with our clients, but they are relevant to most business owners involved with any aspect of marketing their business. […]
You’re paid to make an impact, not figure out if you’re making an impact. So, why go through the effort of tracking your content on its journey across social and the web? Sales Renewal’s insight: Online marketing is about serving messages and media to your audience at the right times in the right places with […]
We regularly update our Growth Spurts blog with actionable marketing & technology advice, news and information. These articles are often hand-picked to address issues and projects we’re working on with our clients, but they are relevant to most business owners involved with any aspect of marketing their business. Here are our 4 favorite posts this […]
Google Analytics has plenty of info, but not all the info. Bridge the gap between what Google Analytics can and cannot tell you with these tips. Sales Renewal’s insight: We’re firm believers in using Google Analytics, but years ago we identified the problem with relying only on Google Analytics to inform our marketing decisions. (Read […]
We regularly update our Growth Spurts blog with actionable marketing & technology advice, news and information. These articles are often hand-picked to address issues and projects we’re working on with our clients, but they are relevant to most business owners involved with any aspect of marketing their business. Here are our 5 favorite posts this […]
Marketers in the high-tech world who use phrases such as “social media marketing, ” “Facebook marketing” and “content marketing” do not understand.. Sales Renewal’s insight: Strategy => Content => Channel. This article reinforces the need for all marketers to understand the difference between a marketing strategy (what message are you trying to convey) and a […]
So you have a great blog. You write great content with lots of important information worth sharing. You publish frequently and promote your own content. But still, you aren’t getting many hits. Does it mean your content needs reworking? Not necessarily. Breathe new life into your existing posts by following these 5 steps, and you […]
Does the world really need another metric to measure performance? Unfortunately, I think we do, as one of the biggest issues in marketing is a lack of agility. We need new metrics to help speed up our reaction times. Sales Renewal’s insight: We’ve been working on our own EvE metrics (stay tuned for the results!), […]