This article posits that there has been a fundamental shift in the way brands are perceived and the value they provide. But why? Blame increased consumer skepticism, the “millennial mindset”, the importance of value over status, or the increasing power of community to provide help and insights, but whatever the cause, brands must understand what is changing so they can adapt. The author proposes some new guidelines brands should follow when shaping their strategies, communications and behaviors to face this new reality. While some may already be part of your brand strategy, others are worth calling out, specifically: a) be sure to find and communicate your brand’s meaning and purpose, b) participate in communities; they are critical to brand acceptance, and c) customer service can be a brand-defining attribute. Read the article for more fascinating insights.
“Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands!” For any business to succeed, it needs to uncover its USP or unique selling proposition; without placing a distinct and memorable stake in the ground, it is in danger of falling into the black hole of “everyone else”. Research your competitors to see what sets you apart and create buyer personas (detailed descriptions of your ideal customer) to help you make a list of everything that makes you different. Use your unique selling proposition in everything you do to help make better connections with your customers.
A number of traditional marketing tactics do not easily translate to professional services firms, such as independent wealth managers, legal professionals, and others in highly regulated sectors. However, the fundamentals of brand- and trust-building apply across industries and should remain core aspects of your marketing mix. What Good is Branding? Because of the highly specialized […]
People who shop ALDI tend to more than loyal – they’re really Raving Fans. We love brands with personality, and ones that inspire that kind of following really get our attention. What gives a brand personality? It must have a unique appeal. What’s ALDI’s appeal? In a nutshell, the German-based grocer sells quality foods in […]
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt reportedly thinks the seal looks like “a marijuana leaf.” This isn’t the first time the EPA’s iconography has irked politicians.Is your logo built to stand the test of time? (And change of leadership?)