Four Key Metric Groups for B2B Marketers

B2B is such a great space for marketers because nearly all the pieces are just so measurable. That means we can be accountable, shift efforts to what’s working best and deliver on experiences, content and ideas that delight our customers.

Sales Renewal’s insight:

This article reviews four of types of metrics key to succeeding in the B2B marketing space:

  1. Lead generation metrics (ROI of ads & campaigns; raw leads; quality of leads);
  2. Top of funnel metrics (Visitors to most popular landing pages;
    Organic / non-paid traffic; PR and non-paid media impact)
  3. Community & nurturing metrics (Email metrics; Time to respond for user questions)
  4. Customer satisfaction / loyalty metrics (NPS score; Survey data )

Read the article for more details about each of these metrics groups. How many of them are you using?

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