What We’re Thankful For…
‘Tis the season for giving thanks, and the Sales Renewal team recently took the time out of the hectic day-to-day activities at our busy start-up to reflect on the things that we have to be thankful for – our team, our clients, the families that support our venture, our daily breakthroughs, accomplishments and struggles. Here, then, in our own words:
Keith Loris (President and C.E.O.): I am thankful for Sales Renewal’s growth over the last year. Growth in the revenue we’re helping generate for clients (and therefore our own revenue too), growth in our client base and growth in our team (both in numbers and expertise). As a successful, serial entrepreneur (Sales Renewal is startup #4) I know how important the team is to delivering on a startup’s promise and we’ve been able to attract a great one and line up best-of-breed outside specialists too; great indicators of a lot more growth to come.
Bill Oncay (Chief Technology Officer): I am thankful for my family. Nine years ago on Halloween, my dad had a heart transplant. Every year on Halloween, after my son and nieces and nephews have gorged themselves on candy, we bring out one more treat: a small (re)birthday cake for my dad. This year, we were traveling over Halloween, so we plan to do the celebration at Thanksgiving where it really belongs.
Kim Wallace (Director Build Services): I am grateful for working with brave, funny, and smart people who come together to get the work done, although they can never agree on lunch plans. I’m thankful that I can be honest and get honest feedback in return in a discussion, marked with a little kindness and just the right tinge of snark. And I’ll be ever so happy once I’ve got these slackers on a project management system that auto-magically generates my status reports. Please Santa/Hanukah Harry/gift-giving deity of your choice?
Audrey Trieschman (Director Client Sales & Marketing): I am thankful for a varied work day. Sure, writing a newsletter for our florist client, developing web content for a medical office’s new website, creating PPC ads that promote a white paper for a B2B client, working with a designer on a company logo for a brand-new company, learning enough about test measurement equipment to write an informed quarterly marketing plan for one client and NYC real estate to prepare a social media plan for yet another, reviewing website analytics and sales statistics for all our clients, and contributing to our own company blog all in the space of one day does present its challenges and frustrations, but at least I know that tomorrow is another day, with another to-do list.
Akshay Masand (Online Marketing Specialist): I am thankful for my co-workers, modern day technology, and my family. As you can see, I have a lot to be thankful for but that’s because I’ve been fortunate enough to have so many good things in my life. My co-workers for giving me the opportunity to work a job that utilizes my seo, blogging & social media strengths while helping me improve by constantly challenging me with a variety of new and varied tasks. I feel like this day and age you have to be thankful for modern technology otherwise people like me might be stuck doing a boring and menial job. From link-building, to social media, to blogging and content creation and management, without modern technology, I wouldn’t get to do all the fun things I do. Last but not least, I’m thankful for my family which has helped shape me into the person I am today.
Diane Stresing (Content Manager/Writer): As the newbie of the Sales Renewal team, I’m grateful that my co-workers have been so welcoming and patient with me. (That said, I don’t expect it to last long – this is hard-working, high-expectations sort of group, so I know I’d better start pulling my weight soon!) In addition to working with the talented, dedicated folks at Sales Renewal, I’m also thankful for the opportunity to work with a very diverse list of clients. While learning about new B2B and B2C ventures and understanding each client’s unique sales challenges taxes my brain at times, I find the process extremely interesting. And of course, it’s very satisfying to watch a client’s sales grow in response to our efforts.
Sales Renewal’s insight: