Protect your advertising ROI – here are 60 Facebook ad mistakes to avoid. Sales Renewal’s insight: Facebook advertising can be deceptively simple and straightforward. This article provides concrete examples of what not to do. Some takeaways: You need to have a compelling offer in order to stand out from the crowd; Take advantage of the […]
A large business with widespread consumer appeal can naturally expect organic social media growth in terms of followers and interaction: people already know your name, are interested in your brand and are looking for answers. In this case, you may spend more time interacting with customers and keeping up with questions than you do just […]
Now testing two features to help charities raise awareness and funds directly on Facebook. Sales Renewal’s insight: Do you follow any nonprofits on Facebook? What do you think about being able to support your favorite nonprofit without leaving the social site? Facebook is often the “go to” social network for nonprofits – and now there […]
It’s called “social seating” Sales Renewal’s insight: Using your social media profiles to select who you sit next to on your next flight. Wow. What do you think? Read Original Article
Sales Renewal’s insight: A complete redesign, putting Collections and Communities front and center. Have you used the new Google+? We like the streamlined look and content that seems more accessible. Let us know your thoughts! Read Original Article
Stars move over, hearts take their place on Twitter. Sales Renewal’s insight: Apparently, stars were confusing Twitter users. (“At times the star could be confusing, especially to newcomers. You might like a lot of things, but not everything can be your favorite.”) Read Original Article
More than 200 eighth graders from across the country allowed their social media feeds to be studied by child development experts who partnered with CNN. This is the first large scale study to analyze what kids actually say to each other on social media and why it matters so deeply to them. “I think they’re […]
Whether it’s oversaturating your content or missing the point of social networks, newer marketers make many mistakes. Sales Renewal’s insight: Many new marketers make mistakes with social media. Some try to take on too much too soon, while others do not promote adequate content. This infographic from Digital Marketing Philippines shares the top 8 social […]
Public Relations – These days, PR is not just about getting immediate coverage: It is also about the secondary (i.e., curated) coverage that can make all the difference in winning the attention of the desired audience.” Sales Renewal’s insight: The increasing importance of commenting on other people’s content (curated content) has potentially big implications for […]