Sales Renewal Announces the Launch of SR EasyAuthoring, a Blog Authoring Tool
Sales Renewal enhances WordPress and other blog platforms to make blogging of original and curated content easy and affordable for small businesses
Concord, MA, September 2, 2015 – Sales Renewal continues its commitment to investing in affordable marketing solutions for small businesses with the launch of SR EasyAuthoring , an innovative, integrated blog authoring tool. SR EasyAuthoring was designed for small businesses to help them easily and affordably offer both original and “curated” content in their WordPress-based and other blogs.
“Fresh web content in the form of a business blog can be critical for both search engine optimization and to stay engaged with prospects and clients, ” says Keith Loris, Sales Renewal President and CEO. “But creating original content that resonates with its intended audience on a regular basis can be a full time job, and one that not every small business can afford. With SR EasyAuthoring installed in their blogging platform, the business can easily supplement their original content posts with much less expensive and time-consuming curated content. And unlike comparable solutions that can cost anywhere from $1, 000-$6, 000 per month, EasyAuthoring is available from Sales Renewal for only $130 per month.”
Content curation is the process of finding existing, interesting content online and putting your own spin on it. The world is overflowing with information, so sorting through this content and finding the best bits to enhance with your own take or perspective can be as useful & attractive to visitors as writing original content. Content curation has many of the same benefits as original content blogging:
- informing your audience;
- showcasing your expertise;
- keeping your website content fresh
- contributing to your SEO efforts (but only if done right)
And one major advantage: It is a lot easier to comment on other people’s ideas than it is to come up with your own and then craft it into well written blog post.
3 Different Types of EasyAuthoring Posts
There are three different kinds of posts in SR EasyAuthoring, which are distinguished by the post border color and the text within their action buttons:
Read Original Article: The basic “News” post allows authors to share their insights and commentary on content first published elsewhere. When the reader clicks the button, they are taken to the original article on its publisher’s website, and because the article is not on the business’ site, there is no possible “duplicate content” penalty from search engines.
Read Our Insights: The Insights post allows the business to share deeper, longer insights on content first published elsewhere. When the reader clicks the button, they are taken to a blog post on this website that has an excerpt from the original article, the author’s insight and a link to the original article on its publisher’s website. This type of post has enough original commentary to be considered original content by search engines, and since the page is on the business’ site, it will be indexed by search engines like all the other pages on the site.
Read Blog Post: The Blog post acts like a normal blog: when you click the button you’re taken to a blog post on this site. Again, this original content will be indexed by search engines like all the other pages on your site.
See an example of EasyAuthoring on Sales Renewal’s website, or contact them for more information.
About Sales Renewal Corporation
Sales Renewal offers two growth solutions-the JointSourcing Solution and the Marketing Essential Solution-that help small businesses grow their leads and sales. Both solutions begin by developing a growth plan specific to your business and both provide all the people, expertise and tools needed to implement the plan and grow your sales without you having to pay their full-time cost in salaries, benefits or management time.
Sales Renewal’s insight:
Concord, MA, September 2, 2015 – Sales Renewal continues its commitment to investing in affordable marketing solutions for small businesses with the launch of SR EasyAuthoring , an innovative, integrated blog authoring tool. SR EasyAuthoring was designed for small businesses to help them easily and affordably offer both original and “curated” content in their WordPress-based and other blogs.
“Fresh web content in the form of a business blog can be critical for both search engine optimization and to stay engaged with prospects and clients, ” says Keith Loris, Sales Renewal President and CEO. “But creating original content that resonates with its intended audience on a regular basis can be a full time job, and one that not every small business can afford. With SR EasyAuthoring installed in their blogging platform, the business can easily supplement their original content posts with much less expensive and time-consuming curated content. And unlike comparable solutions that can cost anywhere from $1, 000-$6, 000 per month, EasyAuthoring is available from Sales Renewal for only $130 per month.”
Content curation is the process of finding existing, interesting content online and putting your own spin on it. The world is overflowing with information, so sorting through this content and finding the best bits to enhance with your own take or perspective can be as useful & attractive to visitors as writing original content.