The Benefits of Installing SSL on Your Website

Google want all websites to switch from HTTP to HTTPS. The ultimate goal is to make the internet & websites safer and using SSL is a way of doing so.

Sales Renewal’s insight:

For several years now Google search results have shown more preference to websites that use HTTPS. (HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP, the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you are connected to.) While Google claims that this is currently a “mild” ranking signal, there are indications that this is becoming increasingly important.

What is HTTPS?

HTTPS helps prevent intruders from tampering with the communications between your websites and your users’ browsers. Intruders include intentionally malicious attackers, and legitimate but intrusive companies, such as ISPs or hotels that inject ads into pages.

HTTPS prevents intruders from being able to passively listen to communications between your websites and your users. And not only on sites that handle sensitive communications. Every unprotected HTTP request can potentially reveal information about the behaviors and identities of your users.

According to Google:

“You should always protect all of your websites with HTTPS, even if they don’t handle sensitive communications. Aside from providing critical security and data integrity for both your websites and your users’ personal information, HTTPS is a requirement for many new browser features, particularly those required for progressive web apps.”

Sales Renewal is in the process of rolling this out to all our clients by purchasing and installing an SSL certificate on their websites and forcing HTTPS. This means that your sites URL will change from to Questions? Please contact us here.

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