There’s a lot of noise out there in the marketplace! Regardless of your product or service, your company likely has many competitors targeting the same market, offering similar solutions for similar pain points. Positioning yourself in a lucrative, distinct segment for your business in a crowded market is key to long-term revenue growth and business success. Here are five ways to better define your segment, courtesy of Business Success.
We’ve all seen our share of tire-kickers – those would-be buyers who take their time in making a purchase decision, evaluating every detail because they’re in no rush to pull the trigger. This problem becomes especially prominent when your company’s main service or product is a comprehensive, all-inclusive solution since there’s that much more to […]
When building your business, having a great product or service is just the beginning. Communicating your company’s offerings, solutions, and advantages is crucial for turning a good product into a wildly successful one. But in the age of digital communication, traditional advertising is no longer the only way to tell people about what you offer. […]
Modern consumers have evolved beyond the scope of traditional “buy this product” advertising; these days, your customers and clients are as interested in the why and how of products and services as they are in the what. Creating purposeful narratives that connect with your target audiences on a deeper personal or emotional level will help you stand out amongst your competitors and build a lasting bond that keeps your clients coming back. Discover how to focus your storytelling content on your customer in this article from Entrepreneur.
Now that many of the worst-affected states are beginning to reopen their economies, we are all realizing that the post-pandemic world will be very different than it was just a few short months ago. We can expect increased government intervention as a result of the huge stimulus and bailout payments, and greater emphasis on promoting “an economy that serves all Americans”. According to the authors, the seismic shift to a contact-free economy will be seen in three areas in particular: digital commerce, telemedicine, and automation. All businesses need to rethink their business models and the name of the game is resilience. Companies will have to build, or strengthen, backup and safety plans, step up succession plans, and expand work-at-home capabilities. The good news is that the authors also anticipate some positive outcomes as a result of these changes. Sales Renewal is talking to a number of our clients on how they can adapt their businesses for success in what is being called the new normal.
Millennials are often misunderstood from stereotypes that were developed quite a few years ago. They are no longer teens, but ar in their 20s and 30s and make up a large part of the workforce. Even though they’ve been around for a long time now, many businesses still aren’t sure how to reach them. It’s time to bust the myths and get to know the demographic. You may see that what you think is actually the opposite.
Ever wish you had more time in the day to devote to actual strategic initiatives rather than attending to more mundane tasks, like customer emails? We all know how important it is to engage in a regular and timely manner with both new and existing customers, but it’s so time consuming! Enter: marketing automation. Marketing automation can you help you execute and organize email outreach more efficiently while saving you something that you desperately need: time. A good automation system can help you gain new leads while keeping your current customers happy.
A number of traditional marketing tactics do not easily translate to professional services firms, such as independent wealth managers, legal professionals, and others in highly regulated sectors. However, the fundamentals of brand- and trust-building apply across industries and should remain core aspects of your marketing mix. What Good is Branding? Because of the highly specialized […]