Happy Thanksgiving from Sales Renewal – What We’re Thankful For
‘Tis the season for giving thanks, and for the second year now (which makes it a long standing tradition in the Internet age!), the Sales Renewal team is taking a moment to reflect on what we have to be thankful for – time we rarely allow ourselves during our hectic day-to-day. It goes without saying that as a company, we are thankful for our clients, our co-workers, and the families that support our venture. Here, then, are some of our individual thanks:
Keith Loris (President and C.E.O.): I am thankful for all the positive changes Sales Renewal has experienced in 2013-new clients, new team members, new initiatives, serving new industries-and am truly looking forward to what 2014 will bring.
Bill Oncay (Chief Technology Officer): In some ways, this has been a year of change and loss for me. I have lost some close personal friends and some family members this year to one thing or another. As I remember their various lives, I am reminded of the value of close, loving family and good friendship. I am truly thankful for the time I got to spend with them, and even more so for the time I get to spend with those I still have. Life is short, and I am truly blessed to have my family, friends, and coworkers to spend it with.
Audrey Trieschman (Director Client Sales & Marketing): Honestly, I’m thankful for Hummingbird. It may sound odd, since typically when Google makes a change it wreaks havoc on the lives of those in the business of digital marketing. But frankly, this change has actually made our lives easier. Instead of trying to keep up with the latest SEO “game”, we can do what is best for our clients – straightforward sales and marketing. Of course, I’m thankful for family, good friends, and co-workers, too!
Michael McFarland Watson (Visual Communications Manager): This year I have a lot to be thankful for. First and foremost my beautiful wife Beth, who I tricked into marrying me this past October 5th. At this moment, I’m sitting in the passenger seat working on my laptop while she drives the final leg of our journey to Ohio for her aunt’s funeral. So while this a sad occasion, I’m thankful that I’m part a part of a company that allows me the freedom and flexibility to work wherever life carries me… I have a sneaking suspicion the rest of the Sales Renewal team place bets on where our weekly video conferences will find me!
Akshay Masand (Online Marketing Specialist): I am thankful for a hectic but flexible work day and work load that spans a variety of different activities. Over the year I have improved some of my personal strengths and reduced some weaknesses, and I am thankful for the opportunity that Sales Renewal has provided to help move the company forward. It’s never a dull day and I’m always actively learning something new and getting the opportunity to work on tasks that are fun and exciting, I can’t say the same about other jobs I’ve had! I’m also thankful for my family and friends that have been a great support system as I continue to grow as a person.
Robert Moskowitz (Content Specialist): In addition to the usual thankfulness for the usual family members, good health, and good luck I’ve enjoyed so far, I’m particularly thankful to have found a team as competent, dedicated, honest, and easy to work with as the folks at Sales Renewal. It’s great to be able to think hard about a complex issue for as long as necessary, and then easily switch to a discussion of pets or weather without missing a beat. I’m also grateful to have been accepted into a team practicing as cutting-edge a concept as “JointSourcing.” Once you hear about it, it’s obvious and obviously beneficial. But most people haven’t yet heard of it. Next year, I plan to be thankful that lots more people have heard about it and chosen to sign up for the benefits it brings.
Sales Renewal’s insight:
‘Tis the season for giving thanks, and for the second year now (which makes it a long standing tradition in the Internet age!), the Sales Renewal team is taking a moment to reflect on what we have to be thankful for – time we rarely allow ourselves during our hectic day-to-day. It goes without saying that as a company, we are thankful for our clients, our co-workers, and the families that support our venture. Here, then, are some of our individual thanks.