JointSourcing in Action # 2: Sales Renewal’s Synergies & Cross Fertilization Kicks Up Client Sales
The Concord Flower Shop is doing very well in Concord MA, thank you very much.
Sales Renewal has been helping The Concord Flower Shop grow its sales since 2009, and thanks to its ongoing optimizing of the e-commerce site, it now captures a large share of the business of prospects searching for florists who deliver to Concord MA.
Having succeeded in Helen’s primary service area, Sales Renewal turned its attention to about a dozen nearby towns where the business also delivers. Sales Renewal chose to begin with the neighboring town of Acton, and-without charging for its research and time-created a new page for the website, specifically designed to attract natural search traffic and convert it to Acton-based flower sales (i.e., purchases from buyers who live in Acton, as well as from buyers who want flowers delivered there though they live, and are presumably searching from, somewhere else):
- To garner maximum traffic, Sales Renewal used best-practice search engine techniques to optimize the page for the carefully targeted keywords.
- To convert that traffic into as many buyers as possible, Sales Renewal used best-practice advertising techniques to set up the page along the lines of an advertising landing page.
Combining the two disciplines, Sales Renewal calls this type of web page design a Natural Search Landing Page.
Sales Renewal is perhaps unique in that, rather than being a specialist in just one narrow discipline, it operates as a Sales and Marketing General Contractor. In that role, its in-house experts regularly work with and oversee outsourced specialists, all cross-fertilizing each other’s thinking and planning on how to improve each client’s sales results.
In addition, Sales Renewal’s unique JointSourcingTM Solution sets it up to share the risks and rewards of its clients, so the company is heavily incentivized by its contributions to the client’s advertising expenditures and the commissions it earns on the client’s sales. As a result, Sales Renewal continually strives to produce long-term sales increases in cost-effective ways.
The new Natural Search Landing Page for flower business in the town of Acton went live in June, 2013.
After six months of activity, Sales Renewal’s analysts crunched the numbers and were happy to discover that The Concord Flower Shop‘s Acton-based business:
- Grew significantly faster than the company’s overall online sales.
- Ranked first in year-over-year sales growth, compared with its business in every other nearby town.
- Grew more than twice as fast as its business in the number two most-improved town.
Of course, no one can definitively prove the new Natural Search Landing Page caused these great results: because the page was totally new, there is no “before” to compare with the “after”. However, the circumstantial evidence is strong and persuasive.
Having proven the concept, Sales Renewal is now extremely busy putting up other carefully crafted Natural Search Landing Pages for The Concord Flower Shop and our other clients. We’ll report on those results as they become available.
JointSourcing Produces Win-Wins
The development and implementation of the technique that kicked up sales in the town of Acton for The Concord Flower Shop was a direct result of Sales Renewal’s unique and powerful JointSourcing Solution.
No conventional marketing service vendor – whether working in advertising, PR, social media, search engine optimization, content marketing, or anything else – would consider experimenting with a new marketing approach without securing payment for its billable time. Firms operating under conventional contracts have no incentive to invest the hours needed to conceptualize, develop, and fine tune brand new approaches to building business online. But JointSourcing automatically aligns Sales Renewal’s economic interests with those of each client.
The result is a series of win-wins that result from Sales Renewal’s innovative, cross-pollinated thinking and a willingness to take risks at its own expense.
JointSourcing continually drives Sales Renewal to consider new and better alternatives to existing online paradigms and best practices. When the chances of success look favorable, the people at Sales Renewal gladly break new ground and experiment with new techniques that offer the potential to help their clients succeed.
What Is JointSourcing?
JointSourcing is a unique business solution that effectively makes Sales Renewal a partner in a client’s sales and marketing success. As a partner, Sales Renewal charges significantly lower professional fees, and earns commissions on each JointSourcing client’s revenue. As part of the deal, Sales Renewal also pays a percentage of each client’s big ticket sales and marketing expenses, such as advertising and direct mail campaigns.
By design, JointSourcing automatically aligns Sales Renewal’s economic interests with those of its clients.
The natural result is a lighter burden on the client – with no need to select and oversee specialists, help in prioritizing and paying for sales and marketing expenses, and reduced demand for nuanced judgments and decision-making – combined with improved sales and marketing effectiveness.
Simply put, JointSourcing allows any company to “outsource” its sales and marketing functions to Sales Renewal, instantly adding a new layer of marketing intelligence a client organization can rarely equal. The company literally functions as a “general contractor” for all the client’s sales and marketing efforts, continually assembling and managing the specific team of “best-of-breed’ in-house and outsourced experts that each client needs to grow at the best possible pace for their budget.
JointSourcing puts Sales Renewal in position to oversee and control all the client’s sales and marketing service vendors, to replace poor performers with better ones, and to upgrade performance across the client’s entire marketing effort.
Under JointSourcing, the key members of the client company team have enhanced freedom and opportunity to remain focused on what they do best, while Sales Renewal takes full responsibility for developing the most successful sales and marketing strategies possible, cost-effectively driving up the client’s sales volume and profitability.