Quick Tip Tuesday: September Digital Marketing Advice
Each month we start our Quick Tip Tuesday series with a roundup of useful, hands-on digital marketing advice from experts in their fields. We’ve collected information on a wide range of topics, from website design to SEO, social media to how to write better blog posts. We’ve highlighted the key points of these articles and also provided a link to the full articles in case you’d like to learn more.
If you’re looking for more information like this, check out our Advice from Across the Web page. Here’ Sales Renewal selects the best, actionable marketing and technology advice and, importantly, adds our perspective. Think of it as a Marketing Clipping Service for the modern world.
Here, then, are our favorite tips for the month:
Google Authorship is Defunct. This news overshadows just about everything else we’ve read this month. Read Eric Enge’s It’s Over post for more information, and look for more about changes Sales Renewal will be making in its content marketing program to address this news.
Marketing, not Website Analytics. Sales Renewal is on the cusp of introducing our proprietary analytics and reporting program (more on that in a future post!), but to understand why we’ve put so many resources behind this program, read HubSpot’s article about measuring marketing effectiveness.
Pinterest Tips. As with any social media post, it’s all about making that little bit of extra effort to make it work. Here are 12 easy things you may not have thought of while pinning away, including: Re-pinning without verifying that the weblink is legit; and Forgetting to update the pin description when you re-pin. Read the full article.
Bringing Traffic to Your Blog. Amazing list of ways to bring traffic to your blog, from the basic to ideas you may never have thought of. We’re particularly focused on email (still), Facebook sponsored posts, and scoop.it. And interesting 80/20 rule (no, not the one we frequently quote!). Read all the tips here.
Adding Mobile to Direct Mail. Mobile’s increasing importance means that direct mail campaigns also need mobile landing pages. Read the full article.
Sales Renewal’s insight:
Each month we start our Quick Tip Tuesday series with a roundup of useful, hands-on digital marketing advice from experts in their fields. We’ve extracted the most useful information into tips you can use, and we’ve also provided a link to the full articles in case you’d like to learn more. Here, then, are our favorite tips for the month: