How to Grow, and NOT, Grow Sales: SalesMemes 56 Face-to-Face Power
Sales Renewal’s insight:
Like a good pair of black leather shoes, trade shows are not going out of style. We know that in our increasingly digital world, the power of face-to-face marketing can be overlooked, but given trade shows’ benefits for many businesses we think that’s a mistake. Our recent guest post, Recognizing the Role of Trade Shows in a Successful Marketing Program, was written for those testing the trade show waters as well as companies looking for better outcomes and ROI.
Visit every Friday to see the latest SalesMemes: the best and worst ideas to increase sales. See more #GoodMarketerGrace, and her colleagues #SmugMarketerSam, #BadExecutionBob, #GoodExecutionErica, #HucksterHank and #TrustworthyTom.